
Hello, I'm Hemanta, a fashion retail strategist with a passion for software engineering and data science. Welcome to my blog.

Never in my wildest dreams had I ever thought that I would take a liking to programming. Yet here I am - knee-deep inside the world of web development. Creating stuff using code gives me an immense sense of satisfaction.

I have been programming fairly consistently over the last one and half years. Currently, I am focused on learning Next.js and TypeScript.


Writing this blog has been the most consistent thing that I have ever done in my life. More importantly, it has become a medium to share my learnings and to document my journey as a front-end engineer. Now that you are here, why not pick a category and browse some blog posts!


I used to read a lot of books. These days however, most of my time is spent learning to code and writing blog posts. The last book I read was "Consider this" by Chuck Palahniuk.


All the projects that I have developed until now are inside private GitHub repositories. I have never really taken the time to curate them and put them in a portfolio site. I am planning to build my portfolio site using Next.js within the next two to three months.


I publish blog posts frequently. If you want to get notified and follow me on my journey, consider subscribing to my newsletter.

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