By Hemanta Sundaray on 2022-09-27
In Framer Motion, when we use variants, we get access to staggerChildren (a transition prop) using which we can stagger the animation of child components by certain duration (in seconds).
import React from "react"
import { motion } from "framer-motion"
const boxVariants = {
initial: { x: "-10rem" },
animate: {
x: 0,
transition: { staggerChildren: 0.05, ease: "easeInOut", duration: 1 },
const Box = () => {
return (
<motion.div variants={boxVariants} initial="initial" animate="animate">
className="w-60 h-12 mb-6 bg-yellow-400"
className="w-60 h-12 mb-6 bg-green-400"
className="w-60 h-12 bg-blue-400"
export default Box
Above, notice that we don’t repeat the initial & animate props for the children div components. Because the parent div component has children, changes in variant flow down through the component hierarchy.